Thread: Michael Brown / Darren Wilson / Ferguson, MO

  1. #46
    Master Apprentice phantomotap's Avatar
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    I mean, is the solution really to just throw people in jail? That won't prevent another riot from happening. What's done is done. You can go ahead and jail all the violent rioters but that doesn't change that another riot is a likely inevitability.

    Come on guys, you shouldn't punish one group of; you know another group of are just around the corner.

    There will always be another murderer; are you going to give murderers a pass?

    There will always be another thief; are you going to give thieves a pass?

    There will always be another child molester; are you going to give child molesters a pass?

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  2. #47
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by MutantJohn View Post
    I mean, is the solution really to just throw people in jail?
    In a word, yes. If they are engaged in criminal behavior - destroying or stealing property, assaulting persons - lock them up. How would justice be served by letting them walk free?

    Quote Originally Posted by MutantJohn View Post
    That won't prevent another riot from happening. What's done is done.
    You're right. It won't prevent another riot from happening, but don't the store owners and others affected by this violence deserve justice in the same way that Michael Brown or Darren Wilson do?

    Quote Originally Posted by MutantJohn View Post
    You can go ahead and jail all the violent rioters but that doesn't change that another riot is a likely inevitability.
    Why does it have to be inevitable? Stop listening to people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and make up your own damn mind. Nobody called Brown's death a racist act until the agitators got involved. Think. Consider all the facts available. Don't jump to conclusions, or take action based on false or incomplete information. Always put respect for others before your own selfish desires and emotional reactions. Take responsibility for your own actions. Don't blame others for your mistakes. Teach your children to follow these guidelines. Tell them to teach their children to do the same. How hard is that, really?
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  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by MutantJohn View Post
    I mean, is the solution really to just throw people in jail? That won't prevent another riot from happening. What's done is done. You can go ahead and jail all the violent rioters but that doesn't change that another riot is a likely inevitability.
    The solution to the whole event is for anyone who doesn't like being racially profiled to make it a serious priority to get everyone better educated, stay away from drugs, all the goody goody stuff -- so that no one ever has a reason to suspect them of wrongdoing. It's not really a black vs. not problem.

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