Recently, I've been trying to decide on a path to continue my programming career. Originally, I started out doing some web-based tool integration for a small ISP before landing a job as a game developer for a small independent studio. The job was fun, but the president was crazy and eventually ran the company into the ground. I saw the writing on the wall before the end and left to try a job at a large corporation (since I'd never been part of one). I now work for a large financial institution doing internal web-based reporting on information security.

The job I have is quite stable and provides me with a large set of benefits outside of pay. However, I find myself a little bored with the job. This is not due to lack of work, but perhaps just a disinterest in the environment that I work with now (LAMP-based application development).

I have been thinking of studying to pursue a new programming job that I would enjoy more. I miss developing native applications. C/C++ is what I had been working with previously for about 5 years, so it would be easier for me to step back into. However, I'm unsure of the future of the skill set.

In short, I am interested in hearing people's opinions on choosing a path of programming at this point. I would like to find something that I enjoy doing but also has room for growth (in terms of pay grade or future opportunities). Currently, I've been thinking about doing iOS development (not creating my own apps to sell, but to work for a company developing for the platform) or getting into embedded systems. Does anyone have any opinions on these choices and/or other thoughts?