It's not the tool or the concept that I'm mocking, it's Microsoft. I actually think the tool/concept is pretty awesome.

What I'm amused by is the fact that a huge company like MS is (or maybe "was" now that C11 is here) so reluctant to support the C99 standard, a mere 13 years old and now superceded by C11, but a handful of people got together and basically took care of it in the course of a few months, in their spare time.

<rant>MS claims there's some business case(s) for their lack of support, like "couldn't find the resources", "more effort than it's worth", "nobody wants it anyway", but I think it's a BS excuse that is more about vendor lock-in than anything. They even admit that they often get requests for individual C-99 features, but sometimes implements "analogues" instead of the standards-compliant feature. WTF?!?!</rant>