Hello again everybody, My laptop is nearing its 5th birthday and needs to be restored badly. I am going to totally reinstall vista (to tell you the truth that might be the problem) and get brand new ram.

I have one question though. How do I save my programs? A few of these programs I got a few years back and have misplaced the disks/serial codes. My current plan is to try to move my files over from my "Program Files" file onto an external hard drive then bring them on after installation is complete, but will that actually work? I know it would for programs that came out of .zip files, but I am uncertain about programs like Vegas Movie Studio. In which the program was installed by an installer. If anybody knows if this does or does not work please tell me.

If this does not work the only major loss I will have is Vegas, although I am pretty sure I know where that disk is.

Thanks in advance.