I just got finished reading this short article here on CNN:

Steve Jobs: Why Apple snubs Flash – SciTechBlog - CNN.com Blogs

I'd rather not discuss (or make it the main point of discussion at least) whether or not Apple's decision is the right one or not. I'm sure we all have our own opinions on that.

To get it quickly out of the way, here's my brief opinion on that matter: I definitely think it's nice to not be Flash-dependent, although I really don't care. I don't own any Apple devices, and I don't plan on owning any Apple devices any time soon. I used to be an Apple fan, but Apple has really been angering me in many ways recently (not in the Flash vs. No Flash debate, but more along the lines of the hardware specs in their MacBook Pro line), so when it comes to Flash on Apple devices...I could care less.

Now to what I really want to talk about...

From a business point of view, what should Adobe do to retaliate?

Here is what I think: So far they are going about it all wrong. I think I remember reading a week or two ago that they filed a law suit. Sure...that may or may not help, but it will just get tied up in the legal system and take months to figure out. It will cost millions of dollars, and in the end probably have null effect.

If I was Adobe, this is what I would tell Apple:

"Guess what Apple. A large majority of your users use our software to do photo editing and other editing of various media. Without our software, half your user base would be gone...in the blink of an eye. So guess what? We are going to hereby stop supporting and stop selling all Adobe products for the Apple platform, effective right at this moment."

I bet that would make Apple cringe. Seriously...how many people do you know that use Apple computers because they are a photo editor? It is one of the primary markets that Apple targets, correct? Why doesn't Adobe use that to their advantage and make Apple hurt? Sure, it would cause a decrease in their own sales, but Apple would feel it too, and it might make them listen.

Now...I'm not saying this is what should happen. I'm just saying, if I was in Adobe's shoes, this is what I would do.