Hi all,
I have two SVN repositories that I would like to mirror, one that is public facing, hosted remotely; and the other for my private use hosted locally (in case the public one should ever go down). For every commit I need to have it commited to both repositories. I have not yet found a non-frustrating way to do this; I've tried:

a) committing changes to one then copying over changed files and commiting to the other (and thereby commiting myself to an insane asylum)

b) committing changes to my private repository then every so many changes doing an svn dump then load into the public repository. And with it dumping about 80% of my bandwidth cap and 5+ hours of upload time, not to mention the public database is rarely current.

c) I tried dumping just the diffs; however this neither worked, or if it did would be just as frustrating having to dump-load every change made

What is a solution, possibly scripted, that I could use to commit a single change to two repositories? Or in other words, how do I maintain two identical SVN repositories without going insane?