I have a feeling that MK27 is trying to be funny, but since there was no reply to my PM, I shall assume the worst

Quote Originally Posted by MK27
I am sure there is a whole pack of cowards here who totally empathize with the obvious (and elegant) logic of my indentation style and have even done similar things themselves, when allowed, but are afraid to speak up because it is too late -- history has spoken*.
The reason why I find the MK27 style not reasonable for reading is that I do not find it effective for determining scope. I consider the delineation of scope to be one of the purposes of indentation.

If the statements "fit tidily on one line", I do not really have much of an objection to placing multiple expression statements on a single line, since I do not think that it harms readability (whether vertically or horizontally, the reader will still read statements sequentially). This is especially true if the entire line is a block of scope by itself, e.g., the definition of a function.

The problem I have is with the placement of multiple statement conditions on the same line, and the placement of multiple closing braces on the same line. I feel that these make it more difficult to get a mental model of the scopes involved, and a rough idea of the flow of control, at a glance. Additionally, it may also make it more difficult to use the code folding feature that is present in some editors.