I'm sorry if this is a bit out-of-date, but I read some of the articles and came across cpwiki.

Now, here's my problem. I'd like to contribute, but it says that I have to be one of the admin or editor groups.

Should this be fixed? Aren't Wikis supposed to be open and editable by all? (Or at the very least, require someone to sign up with Sourceforge first . . .).

Since when I click on the "login" link, it requires me to login with my Sourceforge username/password combo. Fine. I login, and I can't edit anything. (Presumably because I'm not part of the Sourceforge project. Fine. It tells me to "contact one of the project admins" to be added to the project.)

Is this not a direct violation of who can contribute to a wiki? Or does cpwiki not follow the Wikipedian rules?

Confuzzled me cannot comprehend this.
