
I'm having major trouble linking a small verry basic (my first) directx windows program.

The program compiles fine but when I try to link in a directX .lib-file things just won't work. I'm using several funcioncalls to various directx functions from d3d8.h but the linker only complains about one: "Direct3DCreate8" (possibly because it's the first?) I get: "Unresolved external Direct3DCreate8 referenced from my.obj file".
It seems to me that the d3d8.lib file (that is suposed to include this function) doesn't get linked in as it should?

I'm writing the program in Bordland 5.01 IDE using directX 8.1 sdk. Perhaps this is a compiler specific question and shouldn't be posted here but who am I to know?
I would realy need some help..
