I've been trying to follow along with the OpenGl tutorial by RoD and I've gotten to the "First Windows Program" area. I was feeling lazy so I simply copied and pasted it into my compiler to see what it would accomplish and I got these errors:

\Documents and Settings\***\My Documents\Untitled11.cpp C:\Documents and Settings\***\My Documents\C stdafx.h: No such file or directory. 
C:\Documents and Settings\***\My Documents\Untitled11.cpp In function `int WinMain(HINSTANCE__*, HINSTANCE__*, CHAR*, int)': 
82 C:\Documents and Settings\***\My Documents\Untitled11.cpp [Warning] passing NULL used for non-pointer converting 1 of `HWND__* CreateWindowExA(DWORD, const CHAR*, const CHAR*, DWORD, int, int, int, int, HWND__*, HMENU__*, HINSTANCE__*, void*)' 
90 C:\Documents and Settings\***\My Documents\Untitled11.cpp [Warning] passing NULL used for non-pointer converting 3 of `BOOL PeekMessageA(tagMSG*, HWND__*, UINT, UINT, UINT)'
90 C:\Documents and Settings\***\My Documents\Untitled11.cpp [Warning] passing NULL used for non-pointer converting 4 of `BOOL PeekMessageA(tagMSG*, HWND__*, UINT, UINT, UINT)'
Now I'll admit to being new to this programming stuff, but I have done a fair deal of copying and pasting and consider myself quite proficient in it at this point, so the problem must be with the code or the compiler (Dev-C++).

I tried to contact the author, but you can imagine the problem with that. Any ideas what is going wrong?