Thread: omg i need help using c++ to make a game

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question omg i need help using c++ to make a game


    im trying to learn c++ to make games(i want to learn it online), ive looked at the tutorials, frankly i dont understand many of them.So i would like a real person to work with me on this... i have a dev C++ compiler for the projects, this is my first post.

    i would like to make an R.T.S game(real time strategy) i would like it to be multi player if possible, so if anyone could help me with this i would appreciate it

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Tucson, Arizona
    While you are at it make me a FPS thanks

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    im sorry, but were you being sarcastic?

    edit: what i meen by this is for someone to teach me how to make one, not make one for me
    Last edited by zenchiX; 05-29-2006 at 01:06 AM.

  4. #4
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    "hey, I've just made a paper aeroplane, teach me how to make it supersonic"

    If you've only just started, you're at least a year away (probably 2 or 3) from making even a half-assed attempt at something "simple" like DOOM.

    > im trying to learn c++ to make games
    Start with tic-tac-toe then - single player, console "graphics"
    Then change the graphics to simple "2D"
    Then change the graphics to fancy "3D"
    Then add sound effects / decent computer AI
    Then make it 2 player
    Then make it 2 player over a network

    Then think about all the stuff you've learnt and pick a harder game to implement.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  5. #5
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    Erm, go to college for a couple years or something...

  6. #6
    Banned SniperSAS's Avatar
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    don't listen to these jerks i will help you !

    i was thinking maybe an MMORPG (massively multiplayer RPG (role playing game)) with guns and vehicles also you make your own guns and vehicles and it is capture the flag only set across a space planet in a galaxy far away from this one also there are hot chicks with guns and maybe even vehicles if there is money left over in the budget

    you do have a budget don't you

  7. #7
    The Right Honourable psychopath's Avatar
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    I like the way you think, snipe. I'll have my people call your people. Perhaps we can work something out.

    @zenchiX: Seriously though, no one on the board has time to show you how to make an entire game on their own. The board is for asking questions, after you've actually tried it yourself, and shown that you actually have the motivation to work at it. If you don't understand the tutorials, go back, re-read, try again, and if that still doesn't work, try getting some books. THEN, when you have specific questions, and you just can't figure it out yourself after numerous attempts, feel free to ask away here.

    And, I don't mean to be picky or anything, but using "omg i need helpusing c++ to make a game" for a subject title, is probably not the best way to go about getting people even slightly interested in helping you.
    M.Eng Computer Engineering Candidate
    B.Sc Computer Science

    Robotics and graphics enthusiast.

  8. #8
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    • Learn the C++ language - buy books - a tutorial isn't going to teach you everything - hell most books won't either.
    • Dump the compiler - sorry but it's hard enough getting stuff to work with MSVC
    • Choose OpenGL or DirectX
    • Buy books on OpenGL/DirectX
    • Code something on your own
    • When you have a specific issue and can talk shop, post it here.
    • Next time you post - use a better post topic/title.
    • Start small, you won't code something production quality on your first row - or even your five hundreth. Game programming is NOT easy
    • Think for yourself - if you can't, don't program games, ... please don't program games

    Most of all.

    Code till your eyeballs fall out.

  9. #9
    Its hard... But im here swgh's Avatar
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    One more point:

    Learn the bare basics of C++

    #output - input with cin and cout
    #program control - if statements and looping
    #functions - overloading and passing aruments to return a value

    when you know these three basic machanics. you CAN code a basic
    text adventure game. Like mentioned above, you MUST start small.
    And do not code games in C if you can help it. I personally hate structs.

    When you have enough knowledge, and are ready to move on, learn
    about pointers, references, arrays, vectors. Then implement these into your
    text game. After that, learn about object orintated programming ie: classes.

    The only way to interact with a games object is through a class. This a fairly advanced
    feature, but with learning and graft, you can and WILL pick it up.

    Take it a step at a time. It took me about a year to code my first game. This was a
    text advenure. but I kept fiddling with it and changing it by adding new features I had learnt.
    If you get stuck, by all means ask a question here. Good luck in your pursuit.

  10. #10
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    class FooBase
      int iX,int iY;
        FooBase():iX(0),iY(0) { }
        virtual ~FooBase() { }
        virtual void DoSomething();
    class FooDerived:public FooBase
        FooDerived() { }
        virtual ~FooDerived() { }
        virtual void DoSomething();
    That's advanced? I hardly think so. If you cannot write classes, then please don't try to code a game.

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    well you guys are nice

    have you made any other games? I'd start very very small, like a guess the number game. Then move up to more complex games like that. Maybe an adlib. Eventually, you'll move up to poly based games (graphical games) but you won't make the most complex thing then either. I however, are trying to learn the poly stuff. And frankly, the tutorials here, after function, left me a bit confused, though I'll try reading them again see if I understand now, but I'd love help anyway.

  12. #12
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    well you guys are nice
    So instead we should mislead someone and thus lead to them getting more and more frustrated to the point of quitting?

    Nice is not always the answer to folks who just don't understand what they are asking and/or getting into.

  13. #13
    Absent Minded Programmer
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    Hmm, havn't logged on in a while, this is what I come to...

    Funny thread.

    Thinking about picking up the old graphics engine again after 3 months off...
    Sometimes I forget what I am doing when I enter a room, actually, quite often.

  14. #14
    Computer guy
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    I'm lost!!!
    It took me about a 2 years learning to write a breakout game, so i guess you should start with something easy, say "hello world" project.

    @shamino: 3 months off coding? try me with 4 months, and in that 2 months i have to work with java (NO OPENGL!!!, NO C++ !!!). It was a pain in the butt, but i have to do it for my grade :-(

    @zenchiX: just keep coding every day because you'll forget it real quick

    Hope i still remember those stuff during this summer. To lazy to think of a new project now.

  15. #15
    Banned SniperSAS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hdragon
    @shamino: 3 months off coding? try me with 4 months, and in that 2 months i have to work with java (NO OPENGL!!!, NO C++ !!!). It was a pain in the butt, but i have to do it for my grade :-(
    That sucks for you my java teacher let me code in c++ because he is awesome

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