Okay, so I was bored and decided to learn C++. This mini-monster of a source code took me about... 20 hours to type up including research and learning as errors occoured.

It still isn't perfect but it runs without any major errors (Providing people follow instructions. Which is a lot to ask of today's gamers.)

I'm just throwing this at you to try and get a few bits of information.

Problems encountered: Infinite loop caused when character is entered but an integer is expeced on the starting menus.

Text parsing problems, people who don't type commands in all lowercase letters will be frustrated, as I don't have any model to remove case sensitivity. Which I need.

I'm sure my code is totally haphazard. I've gone from using "cin >>" to "cin.getline" halfway through, and from "return 0;" to "exit(0);" too. So I've still got both of those in my code.

Here's the source for those who are interesed, I'm still a learner programmer and I'm learning on my own in my spare time at work.