Ok first of all I know you guys have been getting a bunch of "where do i startz to program my game?" threads this week so if this gets too close to that, forgive me. I am going to STFW for when I do start. The question is when I should start game programming.

In order to answer that question I guess you guys should have a little bit about my background and experiance in C++. In the summer I made the decision to learn how to program in C++ on the account that I thought it would be a usefull skill and could aid me in a few intellectual chores( such as homework). Well, after a beginner book and a few tutorials I have learned that it can make a great hobby. Problem is after the tutorials I figured out that programming to help me do my homework is not time efficent and it would be pointless to code such a program. I have also ran out of ideas of what to program after the exercises and the best use I have found for it so far is to code a small app to help him build a feather shooting cannon (don't ask) yet even that idea went blank after changing the cannon design so that it required no calculations.

This leads me to wanting to get into game programming.....

For christmas I got Petzold's and Stroustrup's books as well Myer's More Effective C++ and Effective STL. . I am also reading the web book Thinking in C++.

Now after reading all that information, I want to hear your opinions. Should I start reading up on the OpenGL and code some basic games, or should I finish my reading first?