I have the... -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL stuff in my Further Linker Options bit in the dev C++ project options thing. However, I still get weird linktime errors.

:\DEV-C_~1\Lib\\libSDL.a (SDL_systimer.o): In function `SDL_StartTicks':

/home/hercules/release /SDL-1.2.8/ src/timer/SDL_systimer.c:73: undefined reference to

/home/hercules/release/ SDL-1.2.8/src/timer/

SDL_systimer.c:74: undefined reference to `timeGetTime@0'

C:\DEV-C_~1\Lib\\libSDL.a (SDL_systimer.o): In function `SDL_GetTicks':

/home/hercules/release/ SDL-1.2.8/ src/timer/SDL_systimer.c:101: undefined reference to `timeGetTime@0'

C:\DEV-C_~1\Lib\\libSDL.a (SDL_systimer.o): In function `SDL_SYS_TimerInit':

/home/hercules/release/ SDL-1.2.8/src/timer/SDL_systimer.c:189: undefined reference to `timeBeginPeriod@4'

(Pardon random linebreaks)

I'm pretty sure I have SDL.DLL in the two places I need it. The libs are in the right folder. The includes are all there. Any idea what's up with SDL?