Wow! Thanks a million! Atm, I'm building up on 2D because thats what the first of LaMoth's books is..but once I hit D3D(2nd book) , definatly gonna use that code, so thanks again! I was going to use Dx 9.0(a/b/c) but since Lamoth's book is DirectX, I figured for my first atempt at DirectX, I might as well keep it the same.

Is there a way to do what your saying, but in 2D w/DirectX 7?

Also, am I writing to the front buffer? or the backbuffer? I mean to write to the back... Since I'm new to this, I keep confusing all the DX variables that I have. Should I be assigning video_buffer = DDback.lsurface or ddsd.lsurface?

Also, tryid out that asm code, and it definatly doesn't work. Just hardlocks the comp until, after madly bash ctrl+alt+del, I can kill it.

bufferpitch would equal my mempitch variable right?

asm {
mov edi,[dest_ptr]
mov ecx,numDwords
mov eax,00000h
	mov [es:edi],eax		//full selector might cause problems
	add	edi,bufferpitch
	dec	ecx
in this line, is there a '}' after LOOP START ?

what do you mean by...?

//full selector might cause problems

Again thank you so much for helping me out,
