Well, I have solved my rotation problem (for anyone who might have been wondering). It was hard to find, but easy to fix once found (as most errors are).

Anyways, I am wondering about how to do something correctly and efficiently. I am sure I could probably do this some hacked up sort of way, but I was wondering if anybody had done this before and could enlighten me on how they did it.

I am rotating my legs of my 3d model so that they walk, however, I do not want the legs to stay like stiff boards, I want them to bend at the knee so that it looks like a natural walking movement.

Rotating the bottom half of the leg from the knee down is not the problem, but making it stay with the top part of the leg as the top part of the leg does its own thing is the hard part. For example, I could easily rotate the bottom part of the leg making it look like it is doing its natural movement, and I could easily rotate the top half of the leg making it look like it is doing its natural movement, but the top and bottom halves need to stay attatched to each other the whole time.....we dont want to have an amputated leg.

So somehow I guess I need to keep track of the position of the bottom coordinates of the top half of the leg, and then translate the bottom half of the leg up to those bottom coordinates every frame to make sure it stays with the top half of the leg. I dont know...thats what I was thinking.

Give me your ideas. A picture is below.