Decided to do a terrain engine, and to make things interesting, do one in GL(which i dont know). With a few tutorials, and a little inginuity I've created this beast:
Im sure a lot of you are thinking "12 fps!!! WOW, AMAZING, ASTOUNDINGLY -- sucky". Well heres the deal, I've implimented NO frame savers. I plan to add Occlusion culling, CLOD, and a few ideas of my own. I expect pretty high performance when im done. I also still have to convert my GL_TRIANGLE's into some sort of face list, to save on vertexs. Lots of improvements here.

The terrain generation is completly my own, it wasnt takin from any tutorial. The texturing methods however, have been adapted from a few.

Planned Additions:
-weeds, trees, flowers and other small randomly generated sprites to pretty-fy the landscape.
-sky box, for nice cloudy days.
-sun system, that rotates around the world on a timer + ambiant moon lighting. These include visible sun and moon art.
-game ? probably not. Just a demo.