I use Linux and KDE, yes. I can't stand Gnome, myself, and I'm too lazy to set up Blackbox the way I like it again.

I use KDE differently than most people do though... I don't have the little volume icon, the clipboard icon thing, and so forth. I don't even have the K menu on a toolbar (I just use the Windows key on my keyboard).

My tasklist is along the left side of the screen, autohiding, starting at the top.

I have two icon bars, one on the right, which holds mostly programming stuff and Gimp, and then one small one in the middle of the bottom of the screen with my Internet apps.

My desktop has mostly only game icons (6x6 grid at the moment) and drive icons for easily mounting and unmounting them.

I really like the command line for things like moving files, making archives, extracting archives, etc..

Anyhow, that probably more than answers your question.

Anyhow, I've updated the archive today with a fix to the script that gets the music, and I've added in the GPL license stuff, so if you have the old version, please update it.