how create RayCasting?
i have seen some videos, but without success
so i ask: and someone told me that use 1 pixel, or the square size it's the same.. so i did these function:
void DrawRays(){
    //getting the player map position:
    int MapX = floor(PlayerPosX / 32);
    int MapY = floor(PlayerPosY / 32)
    //getting the player position for the destination line:
    double DestinationX = PlayerPosX;
    double DestinationY = PlayerPosY;
    //testing if i'm on previous hit wall:
    while (LevelMap0[MapY-1][MapX-1] != 1)
        //if don't hit the wall,
        //add the 1 for Map position combined with palyer radians:
        MapX += cos(PlayerRadians);
        MapY += sin(PlayerRadians);
        //then we add the square size, by player radians, on destination line:
        DestinationX += cos(PlayerRadians)*32;
        DestinationY += sin(PlayerRadians)*32;

    DrawLine(PlayerPosX, PlayerPosY, DestinationX, DestinationY, RGB(0, 255, 0));
- if i change the player radians, the program seems freeze
- if i move, i can get the same line size