Hi, I'm not sure if this should go in the Networking forum, because I would like to use SDL Net.

After a little studying, I completed a simple tile based engine project. I simply have a tilemap load on screen and I can move a rectangle (player) around from square to square. Nothing fancy, just a tile engine without animation and etc.

I would like to try a little networking, so I can round out what I need to study in the future.

My goal is to create a server with/without a user interface, that my tile engine client can connect to. No passwords, no nothing, just a server that is listening. Once the player connects, that server mediates collision. It lets the player appear in an open space and can move around. Collision detection is by the server, so when another player connects, they can also move around. I would say, the server would allow maybe a dozen or so players to connect. The key point is, that I would like to learn to get this going. I never worked with networking and I never tried SDL Net. I have not found any tutorials for this, so I was hoping someone here that programs in C++ might be able to point me in the right direction.

The overall goal, is a networked roguelike game. More like tilebased game, with roguleike elements.

If you can help me get started, please recommend what you think I should do to start developing the server.