Ive made like 60 text games all unfinished and this one is the second largest one ive ever made and im wondering how i should go about making an inventory system that allows me to add items to it view the items(text wise) and modify such as drop use if consumable.

Ive made a Class for items
class Item
               string Itemname;
               int itemnumber;
               int ItemBaseValue;
               string ItemDescription;
               int MaxItemCharges;
               bool Weapon;
               bool Consumable;
               bool Helmet;
               bool Gloves;
               bool Body;
               bool Boots;
               bool Accessory;
               int WeaponBase;
               int HealBase;
                 void setItemnumber(int number)
                      itemnumber = number;
                 int GetItemnumber()
                 string getItemname()
                 int getItemBaseValue()
                 int getWeaponBase()
                 int getHealBase()
                 string getType()
                   string type;     
                   if(Weapon = true)
                      type = "Weapon";
                   if(Consumable == true)
                      type = "Consumable"; 
                   if(Helmet == true)
                      type = "Helmet";
                   if(Gloves == true)
                      type = "Gloves";
                   if(Body == true)
                      type = "Body";
                   if(Boots == true)
                      type = "Boots";
                   if(Accessory == true)
                      type = "Accessory";
                 void setItemname(string name)
                   Itemname = name;
                 void setItemdesc( string description)
                      ItemDescription = description;
                 void setHealBase(int number)
                     HealBase = number; 
                 void setItemvalue(int number)
                    ItemBaseValue = number; 
                 void setWbase(int number)
                   WeaponBase = number;
                 void setType(string type)
                   if(type == "Weapon")
                      Weapon = true;
                   if(type == "Consumable")
                      Consumable = true;
                   if(type == "Helmet")
                      Helmet = true;
                   if(type == "Gloves")
                      Gloves = true;
                   if(type == "Body")
                      Body = true;
                   if(type == "Boots")
                      Boots = true;
                   if(type == "Accessory")
                      Accessory = true;
                 int getitemtype(int number)
                     number = 0;            
                     if(Weapon == true)
                          number = 1;        
                     if(Body == true)
                          number = 2;                                         
                     if(Gloves == true)
                          number = 3;                                    
                     if(Boots == true)
                          number = 4;                                   
                     if(Accessory == true)
                          number = 5;                                    
                     if(Helmet == true)
                          number = 6;                                    
                     if(Consumable == true)
                          number = 7;                                    
But when it comes to making an inventory I'm not doing well. So far all i have is to make the inventory items easily accessible i made a inventoryslot array global and an inventoryslotamount array. One is like an inventory slot the other is the amount of the same item in that slot. But implimenting this seems to be a problem for me. Cause when i don't know what im doing i get bored of it. Any Ideas?