I decided that I've finally reached the point in my C# knowledge where I could attempt a very simplistic IRC console client. I'm not trying to reach a level to compete with mIRC or anything like that, this is just me trying to learn how sockets and network streams work and interrelate. And so far.. well, I can get it to connect to the IRC network and I can get it to join a channel but it won't display anything on the incoming side of things. I haven't really written the code for that yet, mainly because I'm not entirely sure how.

Er, well, let me say this instead. I know how to get a line from the stream and send it to the console:


But what I don't understand is how to make it display ALL of the incoming information from the server. IRC constantly sends information (whether it be people talking, ctcp, server messages, whatever) and I don't understand how to collect and display all of that information continiouslly.

Here's what I have so far. It's split into two files: Program.cs and IRC.cs.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace IRCtesting
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            System.Console.WriteLine("Starting the client..\n");

            IRC irc;

            if (args.Length == 0)
                // Create a new IRC connection using the default constructor
                 irc = new IRC();    
                // Code to seperate and get the arguments later
                irc = new IRC();    

            while (irc.canQuit == false)

            System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to close the client...\n");

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.IO;

namespace IRCtesting

    class IRC

        #region variables

        // Public variables
        public        bool            canQuit             = false;
        public        bool            connected           = false;
        public static StreamWriter    writer;   
        public static StreamReader    reader;                                  

        // Private variables
        private       int             ircPort             = 6667;
        private       string          ircServer           = "irc.esper.net";   
        private       string          nickNameMain        = "CSharpIRC";
        private       string          nickNameBckup       = "CSharpIRCbck";
        private       string          user                = "USER CSharp 1 * :Dont look at me !!!";
        private       string          channel             = "";
        private       TcpClient       ircClient;
        private       NetworkStream   stream;
        private       Thread          pingSender;

        // Private constants
        private const string          CRLF                = "\r\n";
        private const string          PING                = "PING :";


        #region constructors

        // There are six constructors which allow you //
        // to specify some or all the information     //
        // necessary to connecting.                   //
        public IRC()
            // Connect to IRC

        public IRC(string server)
            ircServer = server;

            // Connect to IRC

        public IRC(int port)
            ircPort       = port;

        public IRC(string server, int port)
            ircServer     = server;
            ircPort       = port;

            // Connect

        public IRC(string server, int port, string mainNick)
            ircServer     = server;
            ircPort       = port;
            nickNameMain  = mainNick;


        public IRC(string server, int port, string mainNick, string backupNick)
            ircServer     = server;
            ircPort       = port;
            nickNameMain  = mainNick;
            nickNameBckup = backupNick;

            // Connect to IRC using the settings


        private void connect()
            // Tell people we're going to connect
            System.Console.WriteLine("Connecting to " + ircServer + ":" + ircPort + " ...\n");


                // Try to make a connection to the server
                ircClient = new TcpClient(ircServer, ircPort);

                stream = ircClient.GetStream();
                reader = new StreamReader(stream);
                writer = new StreamWriter(stream);

                // Start up our ping handler

                // Send the ident information to the server (i.e. our user and who we are)
                writer.WriteLine("NICK " + nickNameMain);
                // We're connected, so let's set our bool to true.
                connected = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                // Show the exception
                Console.WriteLine(e.ToString() + CRLF);

                // Sleep, before we try again


        private void quit()
            // Message that we're quitting
            writer.WriteLine("QUIT ");

            // Exit out of the program.

        private void quit(string message)
            // Message that we're quitting
            writer.WriteLine("QUIT " + ":" + message);

            // Exit out of the program.

        private void quit_program()
            // Close everything down

            // Tell the console that we can quit and release control
            connected = false;
            canQuit = true;


        // Join a channel, no key
        private void join(string chan)
            if (channel == "")
                channel = chan;
                writer.WriteLine("JOIN " + channel);


                Console.WriteLine("This client only supports one channel right now.\n");

        // Join a channel with a key
        private void join(string channel, string key)

        // Send something to the channel
        private void sendToChannel(string message)
            writer.WriteLine("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + message);


        ///////////////COMMAND PARSER///////////////////
        // The command parser takes the incoming text //
        // from the console and splits it up into     // 
        // tokens as well as determines what command  //
        // has been used and what function should be  //
        // called.                                    //
        public void getCommand()

            // Get the command string from the console
            string rawCommandString = Console.ReadLine();

            // Break the command into their tokenized parts so we can determine what to do
            string[] commandString;
            commandString = rawCommandString.Split(new char[] { ' ' });

            // Get the first element of the command string and convert it to upper case
            string command = commandString[0].ToString();
            command = command.ToUpper();

            // The QUIT command.  Used to disconnect from the//
            // server.  It'll also cause our console to stop.//
            if ((command == "QUIT") || (command == "/QUIT"))
                // We need to check to see if the person has typed a quit message
                int commandLength = commandString.Length;

                if (commandLength >= 2)
                    // Determine what the message is.
                    commandLength = commandString.Length - 1;
                    string message = "";

                    for (int i = 1; i <= commandLength; i++)
                        message = message + commandString[i] + " ";

                    // Let's quit with our message

                    quit();  // Quit with a default message of your nick.

            // The JOIN command.  Used to join an IRC channel//
            // and may have a key (if the channel is locked) //
            if (((command == "JOIN") || (command == "/JOIN") || (command == "/J")))
                // Set our channel
                string chan = commandString[1].ToString();

                // Does the channel have the necessary #?
                if (!chan.StartsWith("#"))  
                   // We'll add it here.
                    chan = "#" + commandString[1].ToString();

                // Does this join command have a key for the channel?
                // Check for the max number of words in the array first.
                    int commandLength = commandString.Length;

                    if (commandLength >= 3)
                        // Is the next word a space or null?
                        if (commandString[2].ToString() != "")
                            // We have a key!  Let's get the key and join the channel.
                            string key = commandString[2].ToString();
                            join(chan, key);

                // No, it doesn't, so just join a regular channel

            // The "Say" command to send a message to the    //
            // active channel.                               //
            if ((command == "SAY") || (command == "/SAY"))
                if (channel != "")
                    // Determine what the message is.
                    int commandLength = commandString.Length -1;
                    string message = "";

                    for (int i = 1; i <= commandLength; i++)
                        message = message + commandString[i] + " ";

                    // Send the message to the command

                    Console.WriteLine("You must first join a channel.\n");


        ////////////////PING CONROL/////////////////////
        // PING control is a set of two functions that//
        // will ping the server every 15 seconds on a //
        // seperate thread until we are no longer     //
        // connected to the server.                   //
        private void PingControl() 
            // Start a new thread for the Ping Control
            pingSender = new Thread (new ThreadStart(PingRun));

            // Begin running the control

        // Send PING to irc server every 15 seconds
        private void PingRun()
            // Is the client still running?  If so, we need to ping the server
            while ((canQuit == false) && (connected == true))
                writer.WriteLine(PING + ircServer);


I should add that once I get the incoming information to display I plan to scrap the console version and start on a GUI version. But I really need some help on learning how to make it display everything. Even some basic ideas and concepts will help me out.

Thanks guys.