Ok, after thoroughly looking in VC#.NET update features, I decided to make it somewhat different:

-The way I want this to work
-What I know of this already
-What I need to know

The way i want this to work:

I have a special launcher application, whose job is to update all relevant files, by downloading them synchronously through the web (from my server) and having a progress bar saying how close it is to completion. After completing, a button becomes enabled that allows the user to launch the main application.

What I know of this already:

  • I know that synchronous file downloading can be achieved with webclient.Downloadfile(string webpath, string destination_path).
  • I have slight ideas at how to make the progress bar work.
  • I know how to make the button enabled and disabled

What I need to know:

  • How to check for current file versions. (If needed, maybe have a resource file)
    • What methods are MTA (Multiple Thread Application) safe (I want to check for files in different threads to speed up the process)

Note: This is my first try at an organized question (as my personality is chaotic, LITERALLY first try). Please tell me if having it organized like so is helpful.