Hi all,

I just started C# a couple of days ago and I've not done any programming for about 2 years (and that was java).

Was wondering if you could give me a hand with some code thats falling over in Nunit.....

Basically I've got an object called "Tender" and 2 specialisations of it called "UnpricedTender" and "LiveTender", an instance of each of these is stored in a library. I'm trying to loop through the instances and extract all parameters, but for some reason it's trying top cast the instance of "LiveTender" to "UnpricedTender"

//Check contents of params for each tender in the dictionary
            foreach (Tender storedTender in repository.Tenders)
                //General params
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Tender ID = " + storedTender.TenderId);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Status = " + storedTender.Status);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Client = " + storedTender.Client);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Received date = " + storedTender.Received);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Project = " + storedTender.Project);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Contact Name= " + storedTender.ContactName);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Contact Number = " + storedTender.ContactNumber);

                if (storedTender.Status.Equals("UNPRICED") == true)
                    foreach (UnpricedTender storedUnpricedTender in repository.Tenders)
                        //UnpricedTender specific params
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Reason Unpriced = " + storedUnpricedTender.ReasonUnpriced);
                else if (storedTender.Status.Equals("LIVE") == true)
                    foreach (LiveTender storedLiveTender in repository.Tenders)
                        //LiveTender specific params
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Main Contract Status = " + storedLiveTender.MainContractStatus);
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Contract Value = £" + storedLiveTender.ContractValue);
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Return Date = " + storedLiveTender.ReturnDate);
                else return;
NB: I only put the if loop in to try and catch this problem.

Nunit error: tenderLib.TenderTests.AddTenderToRepositoryTest:
System.InvalidCastException : Unable to cast object of type 'tenderLib.UnpricedTender' to type 'tenderLib.LiveTender'.

hope this makes sense