can anyone help me about this error.
The error is in bold.

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;

char 	const BLANK = ' ';	//constant: symbols used for the drawing (some could be local)
char	const LEAF = '#';
char	const WOOD = '|';
char    const EOL = '\n';	
int 	height;					//height of the tree
int		branchLines;

int main()
	void drawATrunk();
	void drawBranches();
	cout << "\nEnter the height of tree: ";
	cin >>height;
	if (height > 4)
	return 0;

void drawBranches()
	void drawABranch();
	for (branchLines(1); branchLines <= height-2; ++branchLines)

void drawABranch()
	for (int spaces(1); spaces <= (height-2)-branchLines; ++spaces)
		cout << BLANK;
	for (int leaves(1); leaves <= (branchLines*2)-1; ++leaves)
		cout << LEAF;

void drawATrunk()
	int trunkLine;
	trunkLine = 1;
	while ( trunkLine <= 2) // for each line in the truck
		for ( int spaces(1); spaces <= (height - 3); ++spaces) 	//draw the spaces on the left
			cout << BLANK;
		cout << WOOD;			//draw the truck
		cout << EOL	;		//go to next line
		++trunkLine ;