Ok, so what do we agree is the final verdict? I've already established in my first post that I am not a programmer, I am an Industrial Engineer who took an entry level C++ class as an elective, and I just need some help with a few topics.

I don't care if there is an easier way to write this program using templates or structs with arrays or a magic hat you can pull rabbits out of. We're not even at that point in class to use all of that stuff, so its a moot point anyway... plus rabbits have poor syntax...

I also don't need people telling me my code is poorly written. If you think it is, I don't care. Indentation levels = I don't care. Does that effect the functionality? No. I appreciate the help on everything but all I want to know is how I add some code to allow the user to type in something other than 1-9 and get prompted for a selection again.