Thread: Destructors error

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Destructors error

    Hi, I'm having trouble with the destructors of a derived class from a base class, here are the codes

    Base Class of Asteroid.h
    #ifndef ASTEROID_H
    #define ASTEROID_H
    #include <QPainter>
    using std::string;
    class Asteroid
        Asteroid *aNext;
        virtual float x_data(void) const = 0;
        virtual float y_data(void) const = 0;
        virtual string strType_data(void) const = 0;
        virtual int radius_data(void) const = 0;
        virtual int vertice_A(void) const = 0;
        virtual int vertice_B(void) const = 0;
        virtual ~Asteroid() = 0;
    Derived Class AsteroidNode.h
    #ifndef ASTEROIDTYPE1_H
    #define ASTEROIDTYPE1_H
    #include <iostream>
    #include <QPainter>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include "Asteroid.h"
    using std::string;
    class AsteroidType1 : public Asteroid
        float x_data(void) const;
        float y_data(void) const;
        string strType_data(void) const;
        int vertice_A(void) const;
        int vertice_B(void) const;
        int radius_data(void) const;
        float x;
        float y;
        string aType;
    #include "AsteroidType1.h"
    // Default Constructor
    AsteroidType1::AsteroidType1(string strType)
        aType = strType;
        x = 9;
        aNext = NULL;
    // Alternative constructor
    AsteroidType1::AsteroidType1(string strType, float x_data, float y_data)
        aType = strType;
        x = x_data;
        y = y_data;
        aNext = NULL;
    // Get X value
    float AsteroidType1::x_data(void) const
        return x;
    // Get Y value
    float AsteroidType1::y_data(void) const
        return y;
    string AsteroidType1::strType_data(void) const
        return aType;
    int AsteroidType1::radius_data(void) const
        return 1;
    int AsteroidType1::vertice_A(void) const
        return 1;
    int AsteroidType1::vertice_B(void) const
        return 1;
    Error I had :

    AsteroidNode.o: In function `AsteroidNode::AsteroidNode(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, float, float, int, int, int)':
    AsteroidNode.cpp:(.text+0x167): undefined reference to `Asteroid::~Asteroid()'
    AsteroidNode.o: In function `AsteroidNode::AsteroidNode()':
    AsteroidNode.cpp:(.text+0x211): undefined reference to `Asteroid::~Asteroid()'
    AsteroidNode.o: In function `AsteroidNode::AsteroidNode(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, float, float, int, int, int)':
    AsteroidNode.cpp:(.text+0x2c7): undefined reference to `Asteroid::~Asteroid()'
    AsteroidNode.o: In function `AsteroidNode::AsteroidNode()':
    AsteroidNode.cpp:(.text+0x371): undefined reference to `Asteroid::~Asteroid()'
    AsteroidNode.o: In function `AsteroidNode::~AsteroidNode()':
    AsteroidNode.cpp:(.text+0x3d7): undefined reference to `Asteroid::~Asteroid()'
    AsteroidNode.o:AsteroidNode.cpp:(.text+0x41b): more undefined references to `Asteroid::~Asteroid()' follow
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: *** [game] Error 1
    Any ideas? I've yet to add anything inside the destructor function because I haven't finish my work yet.

  2. #2
    Frequently Quite Prolix dwks's Avatar
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    virtual ~Asteroid() = 0;
    Virtual destructors are a good idea. Pure virtual destructors, on the other hand, are not.

    Here's why. With a virtual destructor, code like this will work properly.
    class base {};
    class derived : public base {};
    base *b = new derived;
    delete b;
    But a pure virtual destructor means that the derived class will implement the base class's destructor. Which is impossible.
    Last edited by dwks; 10-13-2007 at 08:01 PM.

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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    So its like

    class base
        virtual ~base();
    class derived : public base
    int main()
      base *b = new derived();
      delete b;
    But it throws me more errors of the same kind. Worst even more.
    Last edited by DarrenY; 10-13-2007 at 08:10 PM.

  4. #4
    Frequently Quite Prolix dwks's Avatar
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    [edit] With that code of yours, you need to implement ~derived(), I should imagine. [/edit]

    You want to use virtual destructors so that the derived classes' destructors will be called properly from a pointer to a base class.
    #include <iostream>
    class virtualbase {
        virtual ~virtualbase() { std::cout << "~virtualbase()\n"; }
    class virtualderived : public virtualbase {
        virtual ~virtualderived() { std::cout << "~virtualderived()\n"; }
    class nonvirtualbase {
        ~nonvirtualbase() { std::cout << "~virtualbase()\n"; }
    class nonvirtualderived : public nonvirtualbase {
        ~nonvirtualderived() { std::cout << "~virtualderived()\n"; }
    int main() {
        std::cout << "==== Classes with virtual destructors:\n";
        virtualbase *vb = new virtualbase;
        virtualbase *vd = new virtualderived;
        std::cout << "---- Deleting a virtualbase\n";
        delete vb;
        std::cout << "---- Deleting a virtualderived\n";
        delete vd;
        std::cout << "\n==== Classes without virtual destructors:\n";
        nonvirtualbase *nvb = new nonvirtualbase;
        nonvirtualbase *nvd = new nonvirtualderived;
        std::cout << "---- Deleting a nonvirtualbase\n";
        delete nvb;
        std::cout << "---- Deleting a nonvirtualderived\n";
        delete nvd;
    ==== Classes with virtual destructors:
    ---- Deleting a virtualbase
    ---- Deleting a virtualderived
    ==== Classes without virtual destructors:
    ---- Deleting a nonvirtualbase
    ---- Deleting a nonvirtualderived
    I'm not sure what use pure virtual destructors might be, as a C programmer myself . . . maybe someone else can help.

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  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Thanks alot. I kind of manage to implement it in my work.

  6. #6
    Algorithm Dissector iMalc's Avatar
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    You can declare a pure virtual destructor, but you still have to implement that classes destructor body, so there isn't any point really.
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  7. #7
    C++ Witch laserlight's Avatar
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    Pure virtual destructors, on the other hand, are not.
    I disagree with such an absolute statement. For example, there might be a case where a class should be an abstract base class, but it has no good candidates for a pure virtual function. In such a case, having a pure virtual function could be a good idea, though as iMalc pointed out, the base class destructor still needs to be defined.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwks View Post
    But a pure virtual destructor means that the derived class will implement the base class's destructor. Which is impossible.

    A pure virtual destructor makes the class abstract (unable to be instantiated) even if the class has no other pure virtual functions. There is no requirement for a derived class to implement a base class's pure virtual destructor. However, the base class must define (i.e. implement) a pure virtual destructor because the destructor of a derived class will implicitly invoke (i.e. call) the base class destructor.

    The only functional difference between a pure virtual destructor and any other pure virtual function is that the base class must define a pure virtual destructor, while definition of any other pure virtual function by the base class is strictly optional. Either way, the base class cannot be instantiated.

    This means it is possible to do this;
    class Base
               virtual ~Base() = 0;
               virtual void Func() = 0;
    Base::Base()    // this implementation is mandatory
    void Base::Func()   // this implementation is optional
    class Derived : public Base
            void Func();
    Derived::Derived()   // implicitly invokes Base::Base()
    void Derived::Func()
        Base::Func();   // yes we can call Base::Func() as we have implemented it
    int main()
         // Base x;   // invalid as Base cannot be instantiated.
         Derived y;   // OK
         y.Func();   // calls Derived::Func() which, in turn, calls Base::Func()
          // y destructed here.  Derived::~Derived() is invoked, then Base::~Base()
    The reason for DarrenY's problem is that he has not defined (i.e. implemented) a destructor for AsteroidNode(). Making that destructor pure virtual does not allow him to get away without defining it.

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