In my other two posts, I asked about bitwise operations, the other, about signed/unsigned classes (which after some thought, I don't think that's functionality that I need)

What I'm trying to do is write an encrypter (512 - bit preferrably). I want to be able to "compress" any type of data, be it int, float, string, etc.

Since string is an object, i'm guessing bitwise operations might be out of the question.

I know that strings are basically built off of char's, but is it char[] or char*?

I know most compilers nowadays convert between the three (string, char[] and char*) right?

From my best guess, i would imagine char[] would be the easiest way to deal with this problem, since ALL data entering the layer of encryption is const and doesn't need the functionality of editing any of it. Ideally, I just want to read the data from a text file and enter it into the encrypter and output it into another file.

Any ideas?