Okay so i've just really started getting into pointers cause i've been working with linked lists, double-linked lists, and (im now trying) binary trees. Here's my problem:
c:\documents and settings\doug.laptop.000\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\binary tree 2\binary tree 2\main.cpp(105) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'int *__w64 ' to 'int'
There is no context in which this conversion is possible
Here's my code:
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//Node Structure
struct node
	int data;		//Data of the Node (int)
	node *parent;	//Pointer to the Parent Node
	node *cLeft;	//Pointer to the child node on the left
	node *cRight;	//Pointer to the child node on the right

//Global Variables
node *root;
node *current;

//Function Prototypes
void createTree(int numbers[]);		//Creates the Tree
void addPly();						//Used by createTree, adds another ply/level to the tree
void displayTree();					//Displays the Tree
void searchTree(int number);		//Searches the tree for a certain number
void sortNumbers(int numbers[], int *pNum[]);	//Sorts an Array of numbers from Lowest to Highest
bool assignPointersArray(int numbers[], int *pNum[]);

int main()
	root = new node;	//Clear out memory for the Root node
	int numbers[10];	//Array of numbers to be represented by the tree
	int *pNum[10];		//Array of Pointers to the array of numbers
	if(assignPointersArray(numbers, pNum) == false)//Function which assigns pointers to the numbers
		return 1;
		//Fatal Error

	//Get Numbers
	cout<<"Please Enter 10 Numbers..."<<endl;
	for(int g=0; g<10; g++)
		cout<<"Element "<<(g+1)<<": ";

	sortNumbers(numbers, pNum);

	return 0;

void createTree(int numbers[])
	//Create Tree Function

void sortNumbers(int numbers[], int *pNum[])
	//Sort Number Array Function - LO-HI
	int temp1, temp2;
	for(int i=0; i<(sizeof(numbers)); i++)
		for(int s=0; s<(sizeof(numbers)); s++)
			if(numbers[s] > numbers[s+1])
				temp1 = numbers[s];
				temp2 = numbers[s+1];
				numbers[s] = temp2;
				numbers[s+1] = temp1;
			}else if(numbers[s] < numbers[s+1])
				//Nothing - Stay the Same
			}else if(numbers[s] == numbers[s+1])
				//Nothing - Stay the Same
				//Nothing - Stay the Same
	//Display Array
	for(int j=0; j<(sizeof(numbers)); j++)
		cout<<"Element "<<(j+1)<<" Equals: "<<numbers[j]<<endl;

void displayTree()
	//Display Tree Function

bool assignPointersArray(int numbers[], int *pNum)
	//Assign Pointers to Array Elements Function
	if(sizeof(numbers) != sizeof(pNum))
		return false;
		for(int i=0; i<(sizeof(numbers)); i++)
			pNum[i] = &numbers[i];
		return true;
What am i doing wrong? My Learn C++ in 21 Days book says that's how you set the pointer to the address of something. The fact that it's an array changes things maybe?

Thanks for any help you can give!