Hello -

I'm just starting into the world of C++. While I'm sure that these answers will come eventually, I have a couple of simple questions that I would like to know now please.

using namespace std;
Is this like a library named 'std'?
How do I know when/if to use that line of code?
Where does this information physically reside?
How will I know if my comuputer has it or not?

cout << "Hello World";
To use cout, do I need a namespace reference or an include reference?
How will I know which one to use?

If I need an include reference, how will I know which include to use?
For example, if I need #include <iostream> before I use cout, how do I know iostream is 'related' to cout? How would I find out what else is 'related' to #include <iostream>?
How do I know if my computer has #include <iostream>?
Do the contents of <iostream> ever change?
When I compile my program to run on another machine, would the other machine need the namespace std and the <iostream>?
