First, thanks to Daved for helping me out with my atoi(char) problem yesterday. Now, the problem I have is this (I still have a lot of perfecting/coding to do, but this is my current sticking point): we have to create a linked list, and use it with a simple line editor, which displays lines of text, and the user must be able to choose between inserting, deleting, and appending to lines of text. I pass the line number from the display() in int main(), and it passes to insertLine() fine, but before I inserted the tmp = new linkedListNode; line, I was getting 'uninstantiated object' errors upon execution (would compile), but now, since I've added tmp = new linkedListNode; I get the error: 'linkedListNode: no default constructor available'. Code below, any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry if this seems noobish, but I really feel as if the first two C++ classes did not prepare us at all for this. Code below and attached. Thanks in advance!


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

class linkedListNode
             char value[255];
             linkedListNode *nextPtr;
             linkedListNode(char val[255], linkedListNode *nPtr)
                                 strcpy(value, val); nextPtr = nPtr;

class linkedList
                         headPtr = tailPtr = 0;
             bool isEmpty()
                  return headPtr == 0;
			 void insertLine(int);
             void addToHead();
             void addToTail();
			 void displayList();
             void deleteFromHead();
             void deleteNode(int);
			 void deleteLines(int, int);
			 void addTextToLine(char*);
             void deleteFromTail();
             linkedListNode *headPtr, *tailPtr;

    for(linkedListNode *p; !isEmpty(); )
                       p = headPtr->nextPtr;
                       delete headPtr;
                       headPtr = p;

void linkedList::addToHead()
	char headTxt[255];
	cout << "Please enter the text to be inserted into the first line: " << endl;
	cin.getline(headTxt, 255);
     headPtr = new linkedListNode(headTxt, headPtr);
     if(tailPtr == 0)
        tailPtr = headPtr;

void linkedList::addToTail() 
     linkedListNode *temp, *nextTemp;   
     char input[255]; 
     cout << "Please enter the line of text to be added: ";
	 temp = new linkedListNode();
     temp->nextPtr = NULL;

     if (headPtr == NULL) 
           headPtr = temp;
           nextTemp = headPtr;
           while (nextTemp->nextPtr != NULL)
                 nextTemp = nextTemp->nextPtr; 
           nextTemp->nextPtr = temp;

void linkedList::insertLine(int num)
    linkedListNode *tmp, *secondTmp;
	tmp = new linkedListNode;
	cout << "OK, enter the text to be added to line " << num << endl;
	cin.getline(tmp->value, 255);
    int i;
	if(num == 1)
		 headPtr = tailPtr = tmp;
         for(i = 1; i < num; i++) 
           tmp = tmp->nextPtr;
	 secondTmp->nextPtr = tmp->nextPtr->nextPtr;
     tmp->nextPtr = secondTmp;
     //Now how the heck to insert a node?????

void linkedList::deleteFromHead()
     char *p = headPtr->value;
     linkedListNode *tmp = headPtr;
     if(headPtr == tailPtr) //if only one node in the list;
         headPtr = tailPtr = 0;
     else headPtr = headPtr->nextPtr;
     delete tmp;

void linkedList::deleteFromTail()
     char *p = tailPtr->value;
     if(headPtr == tailPtr) //if only one in list;
                delete headPtr;
                headPtr = tailPtr = 0;
         linkedListNode *tmp;
         for(tmp = headPtr; tmp->nextPtr != tailPtr; tmp = tmp->nextPtr);
         delete tailPtr;
         tailPtr = tmp;
         tailPtr->nextPtr = 0;

void linkedList::deleteNode(int num)
     linkedListNode *pred, *tmp;
     int i;
     for(i = 1; i < num; i++)
           pred = pred->nextPtr;
           tmp = tmp->nextPtr;
     if(tmp != 0)
            pred->nextPtr = tmp->nextPtr;
            if(tmp == tailPtr)
            tailPtr = pred;
            delete tmp;

void linkedList::addTextToLine(char *p)
     int i;
	 char appTxt[255];
	 cout << "Enter the text to be appended to line " << p << endl;
	 cin.getline(appTxt, 255);
      linkedListNode *tmp;
     for(i = 1; i <= p[2]; i++)
           tmp = tmp->nextPtr;
     //strcat(tmp.value, *p); //this to access the current node.value???

void linkedList::displayList()
	linkedListNode *temp;
 int line = 1;
     //Loop to display the content sof the list as long as the list has data
         while (temp != NULL)
              // Display details for what temp points to
              cout << line << "> " << temp->nextPtr << " ";
              cout << endl; // Line break
	          temp = temp->nextPtr;
	     cout << "This marks the end of the list" << endl;
int main()
	int lineNum;
	linkedList l;
	char response[255];
	  cout << endl;
	  cout << "Here are your options : " << endl;
	  cout << "E - Exit program." << endl;
	  cout << "I - Insert a line." << endl;
	  cout << "D - Delete a line." << endl;
	  cout << "A - Append text to that line number." << endl;
	  cout << endl << " >> ";
	  cin.getline(response, 255);

	  if(toupper(response[0]) == 'E')
	  else if(toupper(response[0]) == 'I')
		  cout << "OK, enter the line number before which you would like " << endl;
		  cout << " to insert text: " << endl;
		  cin >> lineNum;
		  if(lineNum == 1)
		  else if(lineNum == 0)
			  cout << "Line 1 or higher, please!" << endl;
	  else if(toupper(response[0]) == 'D' && isdigit(response[4]))
		  //l.deleteLines(response[2], response[4]); //Implement this function!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	  else if(toupper(response[0]) == 'D' && (response[2]) == '1')
	  else if(toupper(response[0]) == 'D' && isdigit(response[2]) && !isdigit(response[4]))
	  else if(toupper(response[0] == 'A'))
		  cout << "Sorry, that was incorrect input.  Please follow the instructions " << endl;
		  cout << " below carefully!" << endl;
     while (response != 0);