[Sorry for posting so much code, but this is the main loop of a vector implementation of the problem. Same functions/struct etc as before]

int main ( void )
	std::ifstream in ( "thing.txt" );

	if ( !in ) 

		return 1;

	std::string temp;
	Info info;

	std::vector<Info> infoVec;

	while ( getline( in, temp, ',' ) )
		info.price = lexical_cast< double, std::string > ( temp );

		getline( in, temp, ',' );
		info.serialNum = lexical_cast< int, std::string > ( temp );

		getline( in, temp, ',' );
		info.descript = temp;

		getline( in, temp, '\n' );
		info.order = lexical_cast< int, std::string > ( temp );

		infoVec.push_back( info );


	for ( int i=0; i!=(int)infoVec.size(); i++ )
		std::cout<< '\n' << i << " :: Price:       " << infoVec[i].price;
		std::cout<< '\n' << i << " :: Serial:      " << infoVec[i].serialNum;
		std::cout<< '\n' << i << " :: Description: " << infoVec[i].descript;
		std::cout<< '\n' << i << " :: Order:       " << infoVec[i].order << '\n';

	return 0;