I want to make some header files so I can organize my program a bit better. But im a little confused by it. Ive read the FAQ, some topics here on the forum,s and googled it. Everything I read says to make a new project with the extension '.h'. This is where i'm sonfused. It says to add like prototypes and stuff like that in here, and then the actual code to it in a .cpp file. Im confused because, how do you add prototypes to a file without giving it a .cpp file?

Are you supposed to make the '.h' file, add a .cpp and give it prototypes. Then make an empty project, give it a .cpp file, include the '.h' file and then just put the code that goes in your prototypes into the newly made .cpp file?

The stuff I read kept saying to put certain things in the '.h' file and other things in the .cpp file. But since nothing ever said that you have to make another project or anything I had no clue what to do heh.

(Im using DevC++ btw)