I'm trying to do something that I remember having seen somewhere, though I can't remember where I saw that... I try to pass in a function an object that's not yet defined, I don't know how to explain it, but I believe it has something to do with constant casts...

struct foo
	int a, b, c;
	foo(int d, int e, int f)
		a = d; b = e; c = f;

void func(foo obj)
	//Something with the "obj"...	

//Under main:
func( (foo){1, 2, 3} );

//Or something that'd give the same result:
foo OBJ(1, 2, 3);
func( OBJ );
I saw something like that somewhere, I know that it convert the "array" to assign it to the variables defined in the class that is kind of "casted"... As if a "foo" object was defined directly in the sent params, as you would simply do with any number constant...

How can I achieve to make "(foo){1, 2, 3}" works? Is it a cast, const cast, or an overloading of constructor or whatever? Because I think it may not be an overload, if you don't initially have an instance var of that structure... Or there is some concept I am mixing up... Casting "(foo)" doesn't create an instance of that structure, right?

Thanks in advance.