I had to modify this code to inlcude a const. When I did that, I keep getting three errors.
This is my code,
1. what am I doing wrong?
2. I'm suppose to have the empId left justified and the pay right justified. How do I do both of them?

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

//Updating lass to calculate pay for an Employee.
// Class definition.
class Employee
	int			 _empId;			// Employee Id.
	const double _payRate;		// Rate of Pay constant
//	double	_hoursWorked;	// Hours Worked.

	Employee( );			// Constructor.
	Employee( int empId, double payRate );		// Overloaded Constructor.
	double calculatePay( int hoursWorked );	// Calculates the Employees pay.
	double salary;
	void setEmpId( int empId );			// Mutator Method - allows you to set the employee id.
	int  getEmpId( );					// Accessor Method - allows you to get the employee id. 

// Constructor.
Employee::Employee( )
	this->_empId = 1;
	this->_payRate = 5.33;
//	this->_hoursWorked = 10.0;

Employee::Employee( int empId  )
	this->_empId = empId;

// Calculates the Employee's pay based upon the _payRate and _hoursWorked.
double Employee::calculatePay( int hoursWorked )
	return this->_payRate * hoursWorked;

// Sets the Employee Id
void Employee::setEmpId( int empId )
	this->_empId = empId;

// Gets the employee id.
int Employee::getEmpId( )
	return this->_empId;

// Main C++ function.
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	const double _payRate = 3.75;
	Employee emp( 1, 12.50 );
	double emp1Hours, emp2Hours, emp3Hours;
	double salary = _payRate * emp1Hours;
	cout << "Please enter number of hours worked: ";
	cin >>  emp1Hours;
	cout<< "setw(5)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<setprecision(2)<<salary<<"; 

	cout<< "Please type number of hours for second employee: ";
	cin>> emp2Hours;
	cout<< "setw(5)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<setprecision(2)<<salary<<";


	cout<<"Please type third employee's hours worked: ";
	cout<< "setw(5)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<setprecision(2)<<salary<<";


	cout << "Employee " << emp.getEmpId( ) << "'s salary is : " << emp.calculatePay( 40 );

	cout<<" Total is (emp1Hours + emp2Hours + emp3Hours)"<< endl;
	cout << endl << endl << "Please press a key and then press enter to quit." << endl;

	char a;
	cin >> a;

	return 0;

These are the errors:

error C2758: 'Employee::_payRate' : must be initialized in constructor base/member initializer list

error C2166: l-value specifies const object

error C2511: 'Employee::Employee(int)' : overloaded member function not found in 'Employee'