I'm having trouble compiling what I am working on in Visual C++ 2005 express edition. I also tried compiling the same code in Dev-C++ and still had problems. The code itself probably still has some bugs in it that need to be worked out, the problem here is that the build process is being stopped during linking.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

int Main();
int Constants(int &chapters, int &testWeight, int &assignmentWeight);
int Chapters(int numChapters, int testWeight, int assignmentWeight);

using namespace std;

int Constants(int &numChapters, int &testWeight, int &assignmentWeight)
	bool correctRatio = false;

	cout<<"Grade Tracker"<<endl<<endl;
	cout<<"This program takes test and assignment marks from each chapter, and calculates"<<endl;
	cout<<"each chapter average and overall average.  The weight for tests and assignments"<<endl;
	cout<<"are necessary for this calculations."<<endl<<endl;
	cout<<"Enter the weights for the tests and assignments."<<endl;
	cout<<"NOTE:  The sum must be equal to one.  For example, enter 70% as 0.70"<<endl;
	cout<<"		  for tests and then 30% as 0.30 for assignments."<<endl;
	cout<<"\nTest weight: ";
	cout<<"\nAssignment weight: ";

	if(testWeight + assignmentWeight == 1)
		correctRatio = true;
	}//end if
	}//end while

	while(numChapters <= 10)
	cout<<"\n\nEnter the number of chapters."<<endl;
	cout<<"NOTE:  There is a limit of 10 chapters possible."<<endl;
	cout<<"Chapters: ";
	}//end while

int Chapters(int numChapters, int testWeight, int assignmentWeight)
	bool chapterDone = false;
	int chapterCounter;

	for(chapterCounter = 0; chapterCounter == numChapters; chapterCounter++)
	cout<<"Enter the test and assignment marks for each chapter."<<endl;
	cout<<"Note:  There is a limit of 5 tests and 15 assignments per chapter."<<endl;
	cout<<"Chapter "<<1+chapterCounter<<":";

int Main()
	int testWeight;
	int assignmentWeight;
	int numChapters;

	Constants(numChapters, testWeight, assignmentWeight);

	Chapters(numChapters, testWeight, assignmentWeight);

Enter the test and assignment marks for each chapter.
Note:  There is a limit of 5 tests and 15 assignments per chapter.
Chapter 1:
Enter the or assignment mark <t or a> or go to next <n> chapter?
Enter test mark:
Enter assignment mark: 

Your Grade Summary
Chapter 1:
	Assignment #1:	0 %
	Test #1:	0 %
	Average:	0 %

Chapter 2:
	Assignment #1:	0 %
	Test #1:	0 %
	Average:	0 %
Final:			4 %

Do you want to perform another calculation? <y or n>
MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup
D:\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\Assignment 2-2\Debug\Assignment 2-2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals