I am getting a runtime error when I run my removeSomeElement() function. Can someone have a look and tell me what I am doing wrong.
thanks a lot.

My Code is:
#include "Person.h"
class SetOfPersons{  //Unbounded Container 
     SetOfPersons(int n = 4) : index(0),size(n){ 
         buffer = new Person*[n]
    ~SetOfPersons(void) {delete [] buffer;} 
        void add(Person & item) { 
	 if(index == size) {  //grow the container 
                 cout << "growing\n"; 
                 Person ** temp = buffer; 
                 buffer = new Person*[size*2]; 
                 for(int i=0; i<size; i++) buffer[i] = temp[i]; 
                  size = size *2; 
                  delete [] *temp; 
        buffer[index++] = &item; 
      int sizea(){ return index;}

     Person & removeSomeElement() { 
         if(index < size/2) {  //shrink the container 
	 return *buffer[++index];
	 cout << "shrinking\n"; 
                 Person ** temp = buffer; 
                 buffer = new Person*[size/2]; 
                for(int i=0; i<index; i++) buffer[i] = temp[i]; 
                   size = size/2; 
                   delete [] *temp; 
      }        Person & someElement() {
              return *buffer[++index];

void printOn(ostream & ostr){ 

      Person ** buffer; 
      int size; 
      int index; 
ostream & operator<<(ostream & ostr, SetOfPersons & p) { 
     return ostr; 
My main file is:
//file main.cpp 
#include <iostream.h>  
#include <string.h> 
#include "Date.h" 
#include "Person.h" 
#include "SetOfPersons.h" 

main() { 
int i;
//create some persons on the heap
Person *p1 = new Person("Lou", "[email protected]", 20, 6, 1960); 
Person *p2 = new Person("Frank", "[email protected]", 20, 3, 1967); 
Person *p3 = new Person("Ann", "[email protected]", 20, 8, 1960); 
Person *p4 = new Person(); 
//Create some sets
SetOfPersons boys, girls; 

//Add some persons to the sets


//test to see if the same object is retrieved from the set. 
if (p1 != &boys.removeSomeElement() ) 
  cout << "ERROR: the objects are different \n"; 
  cout << "Good, the objects are the same \n"; 

boys.add( *p1); 
boys.add( *p2); 
girls.add( *p3); 

boys.add(*(new Person("John", "[email protected]", 20, 3, 1967))); 
girls.add(*(new Person("Sue", "[email protected]", 20, 3, 1967))); 
boys.add(*(new Person("Frank", "[email protected]", 25, 4, 1958))); 
girls.add(*(new Person("Mary", "[email protected]", 25, 4, 1955))); 
boys.add(*(new Person("John", "johnchat.ca", 12, 12, 1970))); 

//print all the boys using the removeSomeElement() method and delete them 
int numberOfBoys = boys.sizea(); 
cout << "number of boys = " << numberOfBoys << "\n"; 
for(i = 0; i<numberOfBoys; i++) { 
 Person & boy = boys.removeSomeElement(); 
  //cout << boy << "\n"; 
 // delete &boy;  

//print the girls using the << operator of the SetOfPersons class 

//cout << "number of girls = " << girls.sizaa() << "\n"; 
//cout << girls << "\n"; 

//print of the girls birthdays and using the someElement() method 
int numberOfGirls = girls.sizea(); 
//for(int i = 0; i<numberOfGirls; i++) 
  //cout << girl.someElement().getBirthDate() << "\n"; 

//delete all the girls from the heap 
numberOfGirls = girls.sizea(); 
for(i = 0; i<numberOfGirls; i++) { 
  Person & her = girls.removeSomeElement(); 
//  delete &her; 

} //end of main 
