I have just started to learn C++ and find it very fun. I know VB very well and know a bit of Pascal. I was writing my first program and this is all the code.

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout<<"Please enter your name\n";

int name;

cin>> name;
cout<<"Now enter your age\n";

int age;

cin>> age;
cout<<"So you are called"<< name <<"and you are"<< age <<"years old\n";
The program is VERY simple and it is meant to ask for your name and age and then say it back to you. When it starts is says this:

Please enter your name

I enter my name and press enter but instead of asking me how old I am it ends the program. I searched the forum and found a thread that said to add cin.ignore(); so that the enter was ignored. I added this but the same thig happens. Debbuging finds nothing and I don't know how to fix it.
Any help would be goo
Calum N