ok i got two files, one has functions in it the other uses them, pretty simple right

in one file i have this
static void xtoa(unsigned long val, char *buf, unsigned int radix, int negative)
char *itoa(int val, char *buf, int radix)
In the other i had
extern static void xtoa(unsigned long val, char *buf, unsigned int radix, int negative);
extern char* itoa(int, char*, int);
which gave me an error saying multiple storage classes, which i solved by removing the extern infront of "static void xtoa...", but now i get the error
Server.o(.text+0x2178):Server.cpp: undefined reference to `itoa(int, char*, int)'
this is the error i cant seem to solve, i have the definitions the same in both files, so why cant it find it?
(and yes i do link them together when i compile the project)