Okay, it won't let me set RenderObject->pModel = Models.Return_Resource_Reference (Filename);

Here is the header file, I'll bold the right lines..

#pragma warning(disable: 4786)

#include <vector>
#include "MS3D.H"
#include <map>

class Resource_Cache
friend class Resource_Manager;
	struct	MS3DModelRenderData
		float Position[3]; // will be changed to vectors eventually
		float Orientation[3];
		MS3DModel *pModel;

	std::vector<MS3DModelRenderData*> MS3DModels; // holds pointers to all MS3D Models

	bool Add_MS3DModel_To_Cache(std::string Filename); // loads a milkshape model to the cache


template < typename resource_t >
class Manager

    std::map< std::string , resource_t* > Resources;


	bool Check_Existance( const std::string & filename );
    resource_t & Return_Resource_Reference( const std::string & filename );

	virtual ~Manager( void )
		std::map< std::string ,  resource_t * >::iterator destroyer, end;
		for ( destroyer = Resources.begin() , end = Resources.end() ; destroyer != end ; ++destroyer ) 
			delete destroyer->second;


class Resource_Manager
    Manager<MS3DModel> Models;

	std::string get_extension(std::string Filename);

	void Add_Resource(std::string Filename)
		if (get_extension (Filename ) == "ms3d")
			if ( Models.Check_Existance (Filename) == true  )
				Resource_Cache::MS3DModelRenderData  *RenderObject = new Resource_Cache::MS3DModelRenderData;
				RenderObject->pModel = Models.Return_Resource_Reference ( Filename );
				// GlobalResources.MS3DModels.push_back()

And Resource_Manager.cpp

#include "Resource_Manager.h"
#include <windows.h>

// Resource Cache //////////////////
bool Resource_Cache::Add_MS3DModel_To_Cache(std::string Filename)
	MS3DModelRenderData *Model;
	Model = new MS3DModelRenderData;
	Model->pModel = new MS3DModel;

	if ( Model->pModel->Load_MS3D_Model( Filename ) == false )
		MessageBox( NULL, "Couldn't load the model data.", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
		return 0;									// If Model Didn't Load, Quit


	return 1;

// Manager Template ///////////////////////////
template < typename resource_t >
resource_t & Manager<resource_t>::Return_Resource_Reference(const std::string & filename ) 
	std::map< std::string , resource_t* >::iterator entry = Resources.find( filename );
    if ( entry != resources.end() ) // if the entry is found
		return * entry->second; // return the reference to the resource

		resource_t* resource( new resource_t( filename ) );
		// first we gotta load the resource, then we can make a pair
		// and return the reference
		resources.insert( std::make_pair( filename , resource ) );
		return * resource;
template < typename resource_t >
bool Manager<resource_t>::Check_Existance( const std::string & filename )
	std::map< std::string , resource_t* >::iterator entry = Resources.find( filename );
    if ( entry != Resources.end() ) // if the entry is found
		return true;
	else return false;

// Resource Manager ///////////////////////////
std::string Resource_Manager::get_extension(std::string Filename)
	std::string::size_type last_dot_index = Filename.rfind( '.' );
	std::string extension = Filename.substr( last_dot_index + 1 ); //+1 to not include the dot...
	return extension;
And here is the error I get..

\\student\courses\cedar_cliff\computer\senior project\auditorium\resource_manager\resource_manager.h(63) : error C2679: binary '=' : no operator defined which takes a right-hand operand of type 'class MS3DModel' (or there is no acceptable conversion
For some reason it thinks I'm not setting an MS3DModel pointer equal to another MS3DModel pointer...

Strange.. Help plzzz?