So I now have a bitmap moving at a "slow"pass from left to right in a window ap. Everytime it hits the right boundry it gets moved back to 0(x-plane)and down 50(y-plane) pixels. Hear is that code for that part
    if (rect.right > 0) 
      	gPosX = gPosX + 1;
		if ( gPosX >= rect.right )
			gPosY = gPosY + 50;
			gPosX = 0;
		if ( gPosY >  rect.bottom - 60 )
			gPosY = 0;
        DrawBitmap(global_hdc, "c.bmp", gPosX, gPosY); 
I acheived it moving at a "slow" pace by making a call to the Sleep() function in my main loop. Beautiful! Anyways I am now that I actually have the bitmap moving in a fashion I want it to, I need to take it one step further. I need to get the bitmap to move in random directions with in the bounds of the form. How would you suggest to do this? I tried a few diffrent if statments out but it seems one defeats the other as the build up.

Any suggestions would be great....

