Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, by Jesse Liberty - Beginning book. It's easy to understand and well structured for self-study with questions & exercises at the end of each "day" (chapter), and answers & solutions in the back. WARNING - Some people hate all of the "21-Days" books!

Programming Windows, by Charles Petzold - This is the book for learning Windows Programming. You need to know standard C or C++ before starting this book.

The C Programming Language, by Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie is a good reference to the C-part of the language. (A complete C reference.)

And, I second the following recommendations:

Thinking In C++, by Bruce Eckel - These (2 volumes) make good 2nd C++ books. They cover many C++ topics in depth. ( I think they are supposed to be beginning C++ books for people who already know C.)

The C++ Programming Language, by Bjarne Stroustrup - This book has some really helpful information in it. But, it is rather difficult to understand. It seems to have been written for advanced Computer Science students who don't know any C++. It is cool owning the book by the creator of C++!

The C++ Standard Library, by Nicolai M. Josuttis - I believe this a complete reference to the Standard Template Library (not the entire standard library). It makes a good 2nd C++ book if your beginning book doesn't cover the STL.

The ANSI / ISO C++ Language Standard - The ultimate C++ reference! The only complete printed C++ reference. Of course, this is a very technical document... You're not going to learn how to program in C++ by reading this document. Hard copies are expensive (about $300), but you can download a PDF copy from ANSI for about $20.

Since there are no complete C++ referrence books, other than the language standard itself, here are a couple of complete online references to Standard C++ :

