You can fix the exiting with a while loop:
bool usercontinue (void)
    char DoneCharacter;
    cout <<
       endl <<
          "Continue?" <<
             " - Press \"n\" and \"Enter\" to stop: ";
             cin >> DoneCharacter;
             return (DoneCharacter != 'n'); // true when not "n"

int main()
        while(usercontinue()) {
	string name, date, action, descript;
	float balance, amount;

	ifstream fin;
	ofstream fout;

	cout << "enter the name of the Checkbook filename: " << endl;

	cin >> name;

	//string update(name);

	//update.append(".update");, ios::in);

	fin >> balance;

	while (!fin.eof())
		fin >> date >> action;
		//cout << date << action;
		fout << date << action;

		if (action == "credit")
			fin >> amount;

			fout << amount;

			balance = balance + amount;


		else if (action == "debit")
			fin >> amount;

			fout << amount;

			balance = balance - amount;


		getline(fin, descript);

		fout << descript;

	fout << balance;


}//end main