I should point out first that I'm very new to C++: I can use functions cin, cout, getline and a few from the library string.h.

I am attempting to use ifstream to pull in text line by line from a txt file, which works.

However, when the file reader reaches the end of the file, I want it to start again from the top. This it won't do.

here is the code I'm using:
ifstream txtfile("Z.txt");  //access the txt file.

//here goes all my program code...

 if ( txtfile.eof() ){        //when reader has reached the end of the txt file.
                txtfile.seekg(0,ios::beg);        //reset getline() internal pointer.
The seekg() function was suggested by a friend. I understand that it does something to the same pointer that getline() uses but I'm hazy on the details.
Anyway, it doesn't work.

Can anybody help me?