namespaces are useful if you make a function library. Their purpose is to reduce name clashes. Also it helps a human reader understand what a function or variable is for if they are grouped together under a common name. i.e all graphics functions could be grouped under a gfx namespace...

namespace gfx {
    void Initialize();
    void Render();
    void Shutdown;
Instead of

    void gfx_Initialize();
    void gfx_Render();
    void gfx_Shutdown();
Of course you wouldn't make the gfx scope globle because Initialize, Shutdown and Render are popular names for functions. So you would use the scope operator.

When calling a function.

Namespaces are open, i.e.

namespace bob {
    int x, y;

namespace bob {
    std::string name;

namespace bob {
    int age;
You can keep adding names whenever you want.