Either you're serious, or I took this the wrong way. Either way, I felt like sharing this thought. Side wars keep coming up when someone mentions .NET in a Java forum, etc. This is getting rediculous.

If you're referring to me, I'm a general programmer - I don't take sides. Many people do on forums, and it's really depressing. For instance, your boss wants you to use .NET for a certain project. Are you going to be prepared, or are you going to say, "Ew! .NET. Yucky." What if one of your programmers starts talking about a philosophy on why MS is the devil when you're trying to get a .NET project done? He'd be fired, and he'd end up at a common forum.

It's true that any programmer prefers a certain language for their personal projects, but it doesn't work like that in the real world, sorry. I enjoy programming, not C++, not .NET., not Java. Just programming If you take sides, you're a fool. Programming is not politics.
-- dxfoo

You are a sad, strange little man. You have my pity. Farewell!
-- Buzz Lightyear