Hi everybdoy,

I've read a few tutorials on static variables and functions, including the one on this site, and I think it makes sense to me. But I keep running into a memory problem. The class I use is this:
class InBAF
	static char location;
	static CString server;
	static CString file;

	static void SetLocation(char newloc)
		location = newloc;

	static void SetServerName(char location)
		switch (location)
		case 'T':	
				server = "ftp.ca";

		case 'M':
				server = "ftp.ca"; 

	static void SetFileName(CString name)
		file = name;

	static CString GetServerName()
		return server;

	static char GetLocation()
		return location;

	static CString GetFname()
		return file;
char InBAF::location = 'N';
CString InBAF::server;
CString InBAF::file;
from previous postts I think I've fixed most of the CString problems in the code. Now when I use one of the functions here:
            CListBox* pListSub = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDLB_SUBDIR);

	CString name;
	pListSub->GetText((pListSub->GetCurSel()), name);

	FILE* out = fopen("h:\\gui\\selsub.txt", "w");
	fprintf(out, ">%s<\n", name);

Aside from the Visual part I get an error that memory could not be read and the file contain nothing, not even the > <. However, if I say display the contents in a text box control it displays the contents of name. and I can't step through with he debugger because there is an access violation problem with another function i nthe program that I haven't resolved yet, and don't know what causes it.
If someone could take a look at the class for any problems that I don't know about please. Thanks in advance.