Create a menu program that will include the following:
1. Create /Add student data
2. Delete student data
3. Record/Correct student records
4. Display student records
5. Statistical Analysis
6. Quit

Write a create/add function and the print function.
The create/add function should open the data file as
either create or add. Prompt the user to decide which
way the data file is to be opened, then input student
name, social security number and course number. Set
all grades and average to zero. Write the structure
to the file. The program is to check each field
entered for the maximum size and loop until the
correct data is entered. Modify the function to set
all grades and the average to zero.

The display function should display each student
record in the file to the screen in column form. All
other functions should display a message. The program
should continue looping until quit is chosen. The
data file to be used can be set up as an external
variable or constant. The menu should be defined in
an array of pointers.

Write the delete function. The function should request
from the user identifying information that will
determine which student’s information is to be
deleted. The file should stay in the order it is
already in. Also add wallpaper, color shadowing the
menu box, turning off the cursor and selecting from
the menu by highlighting the selections. Color should
be added to the functions already created.

Write the update function. This function should
request which grade the user wants to record for all
the students at one time. (Example: The teacher has
graded test 1 and wishes to record all the test 1
grades for the class). Before the file is rewritten,
the user should be allowed the option of having the
grades averaged at this time (use average function
that drops the lowest grade).

Write the statistical analysis function. The function
should analyze the student averages. Print to the
printer each student’s name and average. For the
class print to the printer the highest average, lowest
average, the average of the class and the standard
deviation with identifying literals. Also print on
the screen a frequency chart, in graphics mode,
showing how many A, B, C, D, and F final grades.