#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void klubovi ( char club1 [100], char club2 [100])
			cout << "\nUnesite ime domaceg tima: ";
			cin.getline (club1,100);
			cin.ignore (100,'\n');
			cout << "Unesite ime gostujuceg tima: ";
int main()

	int novac = 100;
	while(novac > 0)
	novac = 100;
	char club1 [100];
	char club2 [100];
	int broj;
	cout << "\n\nODABERITE OBLAST: ";
	cin >> broj;
		switch (broj)
		case 1:
		    klubovi (club1,club2);
			cout << club1 << club2;
			float kv1;
			kv1 = 1.05 + (rand() % 3);
			float kv2;
			kv2 = 1.05 + (rand() % 3);
			float kv3;
			kv3 = 2.1 + (rand() % 3);
		case 2:
		cout << club1 << " : " << club2;	
		case 3:
			cout << "\n##### KVOTE #####\n";
			cout <<   "-----------------\n";
			cout << club1 << ": " << kv1;
			cout << "\n" << club2 << ": " << kv2;
			cout << "\nnerijeseno: " << kv3;
		case 6:
	int rez1;
			rez1 = 0 + (rand()%5);

	int rez2;
			rez2 = 0 + (rand() % 5);
When I called function klubovi everithing is ok I put strings club1 and club2, but when I called switch (2) or (3) or just want to cout << club1 << club2; he write me just club2. WHY !!!
Same thing is if I put function klubovi to switch (1) or enywhere in while ();
WHY he not erite me club1 ???