If I have to create a .h and .cpp file and I have to work with abstract classes and classes that inherit from the base class. How should I break down the header and cpp file? I'm not sure which goes where and what should be defined in which. It's alittle clearer in java for me.

    *  Person - This is an abstract class that will be inherited by all other classes.
          o Private data:
                + std::string name
                + int age
                + int years_in_college (years of college completed)
                + enum {male, female} sex
    * Student - A Student is a Person.
          o Private data:
                + std::string major
                + bool transfer (true if transferred to UCSB from another college or university)
    * Employee - An Employee is a Person.
          o Private data:
                + std::string department
    * Faculty - A Faculty is an Employee.
          o Private data:
                + enum {assistant, associate, full} level
    * Staff - A Staff is an Employee.
          o Private data:
                + enum {fulltime, parttime} status
    * GradStudent - A GradStudent is a Student.
          o Private data:
                + enum {masters, PhD} degree
    * Dean - A Dean is a Faculty.
          o Private data:
                + enum {grad, bren, education, CCS, Engr, LS} division
    * Chancellor - A Chancellor is a Faculty.
          o Private data:
                + bool CameFromUC
Every class has a function called "void Print()" which prints out a message describing everything known about the class object. Each class also has an inlined function for every private member variable that returns the value of that variable

Each class has a private static int called "count" which keeps track of how many instantiations of the class there are. The static function "int& Count()" returns the value of the static variable "count" - since it uses a reference return type, this can also be used to set the value of "count", like this: Count() = 0. This static variable is used to ensure that no more than 1 Chancellor is instantiated, no more than 6 deans, and no more than N people overall, where N is specified by the programmer at the beginning of the main() function like this:

If someone can give me a qucik template of what needs to go where that would be most grateful. Our professor hasn't done a good job explainging classes and how they are created and called.